704-453-1207 sheila@seniorspa.net



Highly praise Sheila! Repeated directions as often as needed, demonstrated method, guided my hands.

C. Loving

Very inspirational teacher! Really enjoyed being in her class: taught me how to work smarter, not harder.

D. Pucci

She has the experience to teach: coached on massage techniques and gave great handouts.

B. Goodwin

Sheila gave a good template of geriatric massage for different situations.

E. Gray

Course was great! I feel like I’m walking away with some workable skills.

R. Knickel

This instructor presented quality materials, good handouts and some unique tips

M. Webster

This course and instructor exceeded my expectations!

J. Harrelson

I think she did everything: lecture, hands on, postural adjustments & body mechanics. She incorporated personal experiences with clients and various approaches based on their needs & limitations.

T. Honeycutt

Sheila helped me learn how to better assist the seniors at the spa where I work presently.

C. Granberg

Perfect combination of hands on learning & lecture!

S. Young

She helped me understand the aging processes, both physically & mentally.

K. Best

Sheila actively assisted the practice sessions and made sure that my foot stance and hand positions were correct.

N. Grueneich

LMBT NC #3536 | NCBTMB #200