The Senior Spa Blog

I’m an educator at heart, not just in class but in so much of what I do, write, and say.  I’ve pulled together some of my favorite articles that I hope will inspire you.

Did You know…

According to the American Association of Retired Persons magazine, (AARP): Seniors are the fastest growing population to embrace technology spending $7 billion annually online and their income per capita is 26% higher than the national average. Some other facts about...

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Falls Prevention this Fall

I joined a pickle ball group in September 2020 to learn the sport. Although not athletic, I can hold my own playing ping pong so I figured I was coordinated enough. And so many benefits: extra cardio, meeting other fitness minded folks, the great outdoors – what could...

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Knowledge Is Power

Most of us went to massage school to learn wellness: how to maintain our own health, help others with theirs and make a good living in the process. We preach wellness to our communities to network & attract clients. We don’t want to learn about the dark side:...

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Are You Ready For the Silver Tsunami – Massage Magazine

I take pride in being a baby boomer, one of those born between 1945 and 1964, the second-largest generation (after millennials) in U.S. history. As of 2011, the first of the 78 million baby boomers turned 65. For the next 19 years, nearly 10,000 people a day will turn...

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Are You Ready For The ‘Silver Tsunami’ Of Baby Boomers?

I take pride in being a baby boomer, one of those born between 1945 – 1964, the largest generation in U.S. history. As Roger Daltry, of The Who rock group, sang in the song My Generation: ‘Hope I die before I get old’, we boomers expect excellence in quality of life....

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A Big Brother, Finally!

2001: Our first Christmas with brother John I was born into a family of 3 daughters; 3 girls within 4 years of age between us. I don’t know HOW my mother coped. The good news was that we could wear each other’s hand-me-downs. The bad news is that in a family of 3,...

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Massage therapist sought flexibility to care for dad

This article was originally published in the Charlotte Observer 06/30/2003 - republished with permission Instead of opening up an office, she does all of her work on-site Like many baby boomers, Sheila Alexander needed to help care for aging parents. The licensed...

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Specializing Makes $ense

How many of you reading this article knew exactly what you wanted to accomplish when you registered for massage school? Did you have a clear image in your mind about your desired work environment, ideal income, clientele and the new lifestyle that would create? Most...

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